img 32
3 Open
6 Closed
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Audit Findings
3 Objectives
6 Paln
img 32
Focus Area
35 Objectives
14 Plans
img 32
Audit Findings
35 Objectives
14 Plans
img 32
37 MGMT. System
6 Closed
img 32
3 Objectives
6 Plans
img 32
3 Objectives
6 Plans
img 32
3 Objectives
6 Plans

Management Systems

  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height


  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height


  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height

Risk Management




Audit Findings


Strategy Plans


Ducument by Satatus


Documents by Year



Needs & Expectations - Customers

  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height

Needs & Expectations - Customerbbs

  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
  • Operation of Mobile plants & equipments, Cave in of soil on the excavation edges, Material/Personnel fall from height
Sub Section
Issue Domain
Issue Type
MS Type
Is Internal
Is External