Almost Certain 5
Likely 4
Possible 3
Unlikely 2
Rare 1
Low (5)
Low (10)
Midium (15)
High (20)
High (25)
Low (4)
Low (8)
Midium (12)
High (16)
High (20)
Low (3)
Low (6)
Low (9)
Midium (12)
Midium (15)
Low (2)
Low (4)
Low (6)
Low (8)
Low (10)
Low (1)
Low (2)
Low (3)
Low (4)
Low (5)
1Rare 2Minor 3Moderate 4Major 5Extreme


Low (1-10)
Medium (11-15)
High (16-25)
Low Manage and monitor at the project manager level
Medium Actively manage / monitor at the Sector Head and Project Steering Committee
High Requires an appropriate treatment and response at the Project Steering Committee, and Executive Management and Risk Committee (EMRC) level with progress reporting to the Secretary General
LIKELIHOOD Timeframe Probability %
Rare (1) The risk is expected to occur once in 5 years or more < 20%
Unlikely (2) The risk is expected to occur once in 4 years > 20% and < 40%
Possible (3) The risk is expected to occur once in 3 years > 40% and < 60%
Likely (4) The risk is expected to occur once in 2 years > 60% and < 80%
Almost Certain (5) The risk is expected to occur once or more per year > 80%
IMPACT Description
Negligible (1) Little or no impact on achieving outcome objects
Minor (2) Minor impact on achieving desired results to the extent that one or more stated outcome objectives will fall below goals but well above minimum acceptable levels
Moderate (3) Moderate impact on achieving desired results to the extent that one or more stated outcome objectives will fall well below goals but above minimum acceptable levels
Major (4) Significant impact on achieving desired results to the extent that one or more stated outcome objectives will fall below acceptable levels
Extreme (5) Severe impact on achieving desired results to the extent that one or more of its critical outcome objectives will not be achieved
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Is Auditor
Developer Designer
Sub Section